Restoration and soul crafting

soul  restoration brave girls clubThis week I’ll be sharing some of my artwork from this online workshop.  Soul Restoration 1‘s last session of 2012 has begun!! This is the powerful 8-week online workshop that has literally changed thousands of women’s lives around the world.  I’m going against Melody’s advice NOT to share my artwork from the class because 1) registration is still open until September 7 so maybe you would like to sign up too and 2) perhaps something you see here will inspire you or motivate you to move in the direction of positive change for yourself.  (Deep breath here… because this is really close to my heart, I am shoring up for any negativity or criticism, not that any of you have ever been at all critical of me.  I’m sure that’s why Melody says not to share such deeply personal work.)

So today, a bit about the class and some photos of the book I’m crafting for the class. Wednesday, more of the same because there’s way too much material for one post, plus some pictures from my class journal.  Friday, photos of a few of my Truth Cards, which are simple pictorial summaries of key lessons that I can pull out anytime I’m needing a reminder of what I’ve learned.

OK so where to begin? I should explain first that while many of the women in the workshop are working through some really tough issues like divorce, abuse, financial woes, low self-esteem, and so on, I am using the class as an opportunity to carve out some time for myself, to think about what big goals I have for my photography/creative self going forward, and to remember all the things that I am good at and bring me joy… all while learning some new craft techniques.  Even though I am not feeling “broken” (been there, done that, thank you very much), I hope to find more of a clarity of my unique purpose and also take better care of myself.

Closed for restoration

The curriculum is not designed to CHANGE anyone, but to help RESTORE us to who we always have been and who we are meant to become.  Above is the cover of my book.  Thinking of my soul as a house, I designed it to be full of belonging and loveliness.  “The real me is still in there” means that I need to push away some of what has been piled onto the walls and floors of my house (negativity, other people’s comments, false expectations, bad experiences, etc.) and find the original structure.  “I am letting go” of such high standards for myself and others and allowing myself time to rest.

“Closed for restoration” to me means surrendering all my expectations and busy-ness and stopping to focus within.  This coincides beautifully with the month of Elul, our time of introspection before the High Holidays.  During Elul we focus on returning… one aspect of which is returning to who we are meant to be.

In the two-page spread above, I selected some Truths that spoke to me the most from pages of them that Melody gives us weekly.  The ones in the sky are general guidance for me:

“The right people and situations will always show up as soon as it is time.”

“You will do tremendous things – things that no one else could ever do – because there is no one in the world who is exactly like you.”

The Truths coming from the sun are directional/guiding:

“You are becoming who you were always meant to become, dear girl.”

“You are not alone… you have never been alone and you never will be.  Accept the love that is meant just for you.”

“You were never meant to fit in.  You were meant to stand out as a light in the darkness.”

“You make an enormous difference; the world would not be as luminous and beautiful without you here.”

Perhaps most important of all, the Truths laying on the grass are soft reminders to let go:

“You must start taking time to nurture yourself, my sweet friend.  No one else is going to do it, and the world needs the very best of you.”

“Be gentle with yourself.”

This next two-page spread is about my “Truthteller.” I think of her as “that still, small voice inside,” maybe it’s God or maybe it’s intuition or maybe it’s somehow connected to something larger than any of us.  It’s that core knowing that is always right.  The Truthteller has all the answers for me and my job is to tune in and hear how she is guiding me.  Thus far, I haven’t been very good at being still enough to listen.  🙂 When I have, it has only led to good things.

* * * * *

“The Brave Girls Club is a worldwide community of women who want to live the best, happiest, most productive and fabulously brave life they can possibly live…and that means something different to every single one of us.  It is an online community, a portal for amazing connections, a news source for everyday heroes, a resource for great ideas, amazing endeavors, everyday problem solving, realistic recipes and unforgettable get-togethers.”

Soul Restoration is one of the Brave Girls online workshops, developed and taught by Melody Ross, and is full of fun craft projects designed to “restore” you to your full self.  “It’s designed to help you really really think and hear your own soul again…to help you remember what brings you the most joy, to realize & remember all of the things that you are good at and that make your heart sing…to get back on track and to unleash the courage and motivation to stay on track….to reunite with your soul.”

Even if you aren’t interested in the class, I encourage you to sign up for their free e-mailed “daily truths.” (They also have a separate one for girls and teens.) P.S. None of these are affiliate links… I simply believe in this.

Come back Wednesday and Friday for more!  🙂

This post was featured in the August 2012 edition of the Post of the Month Club.

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42 Responses to Restoration and soul crafting

  1. Pingback: Final Life Book Theme: Celebration |

  2. Pingback: “Steal Like An Artist” week: create your own world |

  3. Pingback: 2012 accomplishments |

  4. Pingback: Celebrating with kindness – OLW October 1 blog hop |

  5. karenstout says:

    I love this! Thank you for sharing. I’m going to do this in 2013…first thing. I would love nothing more than to go the camp just for “me” time. I’m still keeping that on my bucket list.

  6. Pingback: Around here… |

  7. Aubien says:

    Hi Naomi…this is my first time on your blog and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about the class. I have been trying to decide to join or not. I’m kindof feeling like I’m too late…but I still want to jump in.

    • Naomi says:

      Hi Aubien. I’d say it’s still perfect timing… you just start where you are! Or really, it’s been slow-paced for me. I eagerly await every Tuesday’s lesson all week. You could catch up on the first half easily. But really, take it all at your own pace. You can watch the videos, the most important part Melody says, and do the journal and art at your own pace. I believe she’s offering the class again in January though, so whatever you feel is best for you!

  8. Jane says:

    Oh Naomi, you gorgeous girl. I adore the BGC and their emails make my day. Every day. I think they can see inside my head and heart. I look forward to hearing how you find the course. Thanks so much for linking up with the POTMC. J x

  9. Pingback: Soul Restoration Truth cards |

  10. Sharyn says:

    Hi Naomi, Fellow BG here : ) I think it’s wonderful that you have shared. SR is the best class I have ever taken, life changing ; )

    • Naomi says:

      Sharyn, I’m so glad you commented here because I now have your blog to explore. I’m so excited to read more… I can see we have a lot in common with our pursuits of an artful life. 🙂

  11. stacie says:

    Thank you so much Naomi for sharing your journey. What a wonderful community and a great opportunity this class is offering. I love the quotes that you included in your page, I may have to borrow a few for my art journal.

  12. Pingback: More Soul Restoration artwork |

  13. Emma says:

    Beautiful art woek Naomi, I really love it and think you are very brave for sharing it. Thank you. Em ♥

  14. Colleen Ray says:

    Wow, thank you for your courage and sharing your art, your heart and your voice. I’m going to make a sign that says “closed for restoration” to remind myself to take the time for renewal. Looking forward to the next post!

  15. kelly says:

    wow this is really beautiful. so courageous of you to share, but by the responses of the other commenters it’s definitely struck a chord. sounds like an interesting class. hope it blesses you in those areas of your life. love, kelly

  16. Sue Grilli says:

    Naomi, sounds like a very inspirational course and I love the artwork you produced! It is wonderful what comes from the soul.

  17. rich, beautiful, strong, stirring……thanks for the sweet inspire:)
    (it’s a gorgeous soul, yours)

  18. Eydie says:

    Hi Brave GIrl,

    I’m so glad you chose to share your beauty and light.
    Have you started the timeline yet? It was one of my favorites during the course. I know you will love it.

  19. zuzustudio says:

    Wonderful brave post, Naomi! I get their daily truths, which I love, and I’m about to start Brave Girls Art School in September…which is pretty exciting. Thank you for sharing your deep work!

    • Naomi says:

      I bet that will be so fun… art school. I’ve really enjoyed watching the technique videos Melody has on the site. Thanks so much for commenting!

  20. geetlee says:

    Hi Naomi,
    This post really resonated with me deep within.
    I love the selection of truths you shared.. I will copy a few of them to refer to later 🙂
    I especially love your first image… I can relate to many parts.. as if it is my life you have created.
    Thank you for sharing this 🙂

  21. Galen Pearl says:

    This is beautiful indeed. I love the description of returning to who you are meant to be. Lovely.

  22. Sarah Huizenga says:

    Sounds like a wonderful course. What a great experience for you! We are always on a journey of discovery, that is the best part about life 🙂

  23. Helen says:

    A wonderful and positive post! You’re very inspirational!

  24. Sherry Galey says:

    I honour your courage and transparency. I know that you speak for thousands upon thousands of women who are in a similar place. Your work is lovely and made me smile. I have gone through a smilar “closed for restoration” phase and it can yield wonderful rewards. Stay brave!

  25. Congratulations Naomi for revealing yourself I’m not quite at that stage yet but I admire you tremendously for opening yourself up on your blog. I’m heading over to The Brave Girls Club to check it out thanks for sharing……..

  26. Paula says:

    I love the Brave Girls daily truths! They speak to me regularly.
    The cover of your book really connected with something in me. Going to ponder. Thanks for sharing.

  27. I’m excited to hear how you like the class. Your blog is looking good by the way.

  28. Anneri says:

    Thanks for being brave enough to share your personal pages. You have introduced me to a course I would love to take (i think i need it 😉

  29. Robyn says:

    Naomi – this is truly beautiful. Beautiful art work and beautiful words. Thank you so much for sharing this and for being an inspiration for us all to stop and focus within!

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