Will the real me please come forward?

Rome restaurantOur recent trip to Europe happened to fall completely within my Week 2, what my family calls my “happy week.” Hormonally, it’s the time in our cycle when we have the most energy, optimism, confidence, and curiosity.  It’s the perfect time to travel.  When we realized the trip would fall during this time, Mr. B and I were thrilled.  If you remember, last year, I was between Weeks 3 and 4 and it wasn’t as great as it could’ve been.

Most of our vacations, even quick weekend family trips, have happened to fall in my Week 4.  That means I need lots of quiet and alone time, I feel irritable, tired, and cautious, and physically I am uncomfortable with muscle aches and headaches.  Sometimes I surprise myself, but in general, those trips have required more effort on my part.

(Maybe it seems strange to you to fit events within a menstrual cycle timeframe? I certainly never used to think that way.  I wasn’t really aware of my body’s rhythms until trying to become pregnant, and I remember a friend telling me about all of that and feeling completely amazed that all of this was going on in my own body without my knowledge.  I have been using Hormone Horoscope to help guide me over the past few years. It’s packed with knowledge and useful tips about diet, exercise, sleep, and other ways to control the PMS beast. )

Outgoing meDuring this trip, I wanted to be with people.  Instead of it being Mr. B as usual, I was the one of us who wanted to stay out into the wee hours because I was having such fun, wanted to laugh and talk much more, go shopping (what??), and was coming up with and organizing plans for group dinners, feeling especially social and romantic. I meandered along scenic lanes and rivers, pausing to smooch Mr. B (most unlike me).  I wanted to linger at restaurants for hours, which is how long the dining experience in Europe usually is anyway.  I was carefree and happy.

Me at a casino??? Hilarious.

I had loads of energy, so much so that I only slept 3 hours of the final 48 hours of our trip.  Mr. B was amazed and delighted, as was I.  I must have been slap-happy… taking pictures of architecture and carpets and just about anything.

Airport floor hearts

I wish I could be that person all the time.  I truly felt like myself.  There were more than a few moments when I wondered why I’m not like that at home with friends.  But then I realized that having balance is better.  We weren’t designed to be social, confident, and impulsive all the time.  I probably would not have started this blog 7 years ago if I hadn’t felt the need to express my emotions, to connect with like-minded people, and to be introspective.  Those are all non-Week 2 attributes and they are just as positive.  (Plus, I didn’t think twice about spending money on taxis, food, and handbags… which is not good!)

It was a fantastic week in so many ways.  I feel rejuvenated, more in love with Mr. B, and very connected with some new and old friends.  That feeling of contentment… I have to say that I have always felt and thought I was content, but I got even closer to that feeling of such bubbling up joy.  I feel blessed in so many ways, even now that I’m home, tired, and in “regular life.”  It’s so so good.

Rome breakfast-001

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12 Responses to Will the real me please come forward?

  1. Amy Putkonen says:

    Congratulations, Naomi! Both on a great trip and for being comfortable enough to share your personal experiences. I suspect that diet may have had something to do with this? I know that you have been eating differently and good food can do wonders for the mood! I clicked over on that site. I will have to check it out. I think my “Week 2” is next week, when Eric and I are going to FL.
    Amy Putkonen recently posted…Don’t Give Up Yet…My Profile

  2. Debbie Goode says:

    Oh my…I do remember those mood swings. I still have them on occasion, but don’t feel them as intensely as I once did. I’m so happy that ‘all the stars aligned’ for you and that you were able to fully immerse your sweet self in living life to the fullest!
    Debbie Goode recently posted…Comment on A very different kind of Journey…. by Jim MorrisMy Profile

  3. SKJAM! says:

    It can be difficult for people who are rarely “up” to coordinate those moments with other people; glad you were able to do that on this trip.
    SKJAM! recently posted…Book Review: A Memory This Size and Other Stories: The Caine Prize for African Writing 2013My Profile

  4. You look so happy, Naomi. I am delighted you had such a special time. Now, how can it be seven years that you started this blog? I remember when you announced that you first set it up and hit publish. WOW. Love how you’ve grown over the years and have to say that girl wouldn’t have been able to share this particular post back then. Am I right? Good on ya.
    Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Lessons In FrustrationMy Profile

  5. That last shot was priceless, Naomi. So glad to hear you had fun and felt right during this trip. I give you credit for having the courage to publicly disclose such personal things. I was brought up in a family where such items were not appropriate discussion topics.
    Nanette Levin recently posted…5 easy tips for planning edible gardens in small outdoor spacesMy Profile

  6. What a gorgeous final photo Naomi. I think it says everything about how restorative and positive and well-filling your trip was. Perfect!
    Deborah Weber recently posted…Kindness Challenge – Week 3My Profile

  7. Sue says:

    So happy to hear that you had a wonderful time on your vacation. That is just the way vacations are supposed to be – fun loving, rejuvenating and relaxing. You look so happy!
    Sue recently posted…Comment on How to care for your watercolor painting- by SueMy Profile

  8. Cheryl says:

    Sounds like you had a wonderful, carefree time…my guess would be, it was just what you needed. Your right though, one can’t live like that everyday but one can find moments of that joy each day…keep your eyes open, it’s there.

    • Naomi says:

      It WAS carefree… that’s exactly how I would describe it. Thanks, Cheryl, for your insight… always.

  9. Patti says:

    Your contentment shows in the last photo.

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