Woulda coulda shoulda

let go artworkDo you have that voice in your head that pipes up no matter what, judging and wagging a finger at what you could have done better?  Mine has been particularly vocal lately.

If you were a great mother, you’d know how to handle your daughter’s separation anxiety better.

If you were a better friend, you’d call much more often.

If you were a better hostess, you would have used real serving dishes and not disposable everything.

If you were more confident in your strengths, you wouldn’t be second-guessing whether what you do matters.

You should have made that person a card, not taken the easy route and bought one.

Oh, and don’t leave the wet laundry sitting in the washing machine for too long.

It takes conscious effort to override that voice with self-compassion, but I’m getting better at it.  I am trying to cram about 8 weeks of events into December, so I absolutely need my lists and I have to let myself rest here and there.  I know I am doing the best I can and that has to be enough for that little pesky voice.  So there!

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18 Responses to Woulda coulda shoulda

  1. Elda says:

    Now that you have decided to ‘let go’ of the expectations, you can enjoy the liberation and have FUN experiencing whatever happens next. Yay!!
    Elda recently posted…I Have Had ENOUGH!My Profile

  2. Well, I’m glad you’re doing better. I think I am, too. We can only do so much, even with our super women capes on.
    Janet Forrest recently posted…Expecting the UnexpectedMy Profile

  3. Fingers in the ears and loud singing helps drown out those pesky mischievous voices up to no good. Pay them no heed Naomi, Listen on to the sweet whispers of your heart.
    Deborah Weber recently posted…Bees, An Elephant, and Dressing for a BookMy Profile

  4. Your Inner Bully and my Inner Bully were trained at the same Bully Academy. What disarms them? Compassion, kindness, and laughter. A *lot* of laughter. May the joke be on them!
    Harmony Harrison recently posted…Nap in the Now, plus a plea for your napping magic from a dear, sick friend (that’s me)My Profile

  5. You are light years ahead of most people in that you recognize that little gremlin’s voice. I’ve been reading about how to make that gremlin your friend – I’m not sure how that works actually! Thanks for the post!

  6. Christine G. says:

    Yep – all too familiar – that one about the parenting is always my toughest critic! Thanks for your great post and I’m all for Self Compassion!! Yahoooo!!!!
    Christine G. recently posted…Channeling lots of InterPlay energy!My Profile

  7. oh how I know that voice.
    thanks for pulling the covers back
    and exposing the little monster again.
    compassion for ourselves…..such a liberating thing.
    I appreciate this sweet stir to my soul,
    Jennifer Richardson recently posted…River she keeps rolling….My Profile

  8. I often wonder how I got this nasty little voice that has such exacting standards, difficult to measure up to. It’s good to know that your voice is so similar to mine. Sometimes I’ve tried to combat it by imagining a nuturing voice, who encourages me instead.

  9. Lori says:

    Thanks for the kick in the pants. Lately the voices are hidden and they needed to be unearthed so I can kick them to the curb. xoxo

  10. Sarah says:

    You definitely need to be less hard on your self. A card is a card whether it is handmade or bought. It is the thought that counts. I have great intentions that I never follow through on, so you are already ahead of me. I have learned to let a lot of that stuff go and be the best me and the rest will follow.

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