Living a six-sensory life: a multi-part review of Trust Your Vibes

I began writing this post and quickly realized how very much there is to say about this amazing book! Choquette addresses so many topics that I decided that in order to best explore the many subjects of her book and not overwhelm you, I need to divide it into separate posts.

Trust Your Vibes reveals the secrets to awakening your spiritual sixth sense. It describes practices, tools, and perspectives that six-sensory people live by.  Choquette says, “people who trust their vibes pay attention to life differently—in attitude, perspective, and approach. We look for different clues, and are more sensitive and perceptive than those who have shut down or are unaware of their higher wisdom and guidance.”  

What is our sixth sense? “Just as our physical senses keep our body informed and directed, our sixth sense’s primary function is to guide our soul’s growth and keep us connected to our Creator, our spirit guides, and our angelic assistants, who direct us in our path and purpose.” It supports our creativity and our emotions.  This book is all about how to access that wisdom within.

This eye-opening book is divided into 9 parts, each of which lists it’s own “secrets,” 33 practices to guide us along the path of intuition.  (I will try very hard not to have 9 posts about it!) The beginning of the book has a short quiz to help determine where you are along the psychic spectrum.  For me, I learned that am already tuned into my sixth sense, though I’ve call it being “hypersensitive.” Therefore, the book will guide me toward using these traits in a positive way.

reflectionsPart 1, “Begin With the Basics,” describes how we are each naturally six-sensory beings and how helpful that can be. Choquette explains how sleep, nutritious food, and downtime help rejuvenate our spirit.  The better we care for ourselves, the more aware we will become.  I needed to hear this.  Bottom line: “A five-sensory attitude says to hurry up and do more, while a six-sensory attitude says that all this responsible care is necessary.”

Your body is a direct conduit for your Higher Self, and it won’t mislead you. Every signal it sends has direct meaning and important information for both your physical well-being and your spiritual balance and safety.  So often we blame our bodies, judge them, or complain about them, but your body can only work with what you give it, and it’s just trying to protect you either from yourself or something in your world. 

Sometimes what we feel may not quite make sense, but learning to pay attention to those feelings is important.   It’s important to tune into the unseen world just as much as the seen one.  It’s about trusting that “we’ll be guided and shown the best possible direction for our growth, protection, and well-being.”  Therefore, there’s not much need for worrying.  “Six-sensory people base their habits, behaviors, and decisions on what they feel inside, rather than on what they’re told outside; the result is that they feel at peace … most of the time.”

Interestingly, a book I’m reading right now for an online book discussion, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing, addresses this same idea.  We attract and manifest specific things to our lives by exactly how we think of something.  It’s not enough to think about money or time.  Rather than bemoan that there’s not enough of it, which only attracts more of that same lack, you have to consciously be aware of what you have and grateful in advance for the abundance the future will bring.  Sort of like imagining what you want and then focusing only on that vision.  This author teaches that recognizing the variance between the emotion you currently have and the emotion you want is the guide.  It’s all about energy.  “Deliberately reaching for thoughts that cause your two vibrational vantage points to align is the true meaning of the balancing of energy.” OK sorry… I just love when I’m learning something and I see it several places… back to the original book at hand.

So how can we get to that peace? Our sixth sense is founded on awareness. “Your sixth sense is your natural inner genius, and even though you might not believe in it, it’s normal to be a spiritual being guided by the Universe.  Six-sensory, psychic people know this; nonpsychic, five-sensory people don’t. So, if you want to live a higher way, stop doubting when your intuition speaks to you, stop ignoring your sixth sense when you feel it, and start accepting and appreciating your vibes when they do activate.”

First, you must change your attitude. “You can’t go along with five-sensory types who think that six-sensory people are crazy or just plain weird.” [I’m afraid most the the people I interact with are already lost to me on that one.] “Second, in order to have a six-sensory life, you must come up with reasons to listen to your intuition. Intuitives like me know that listening to your vibes is practical, saves time, connects the dots of your life, and even improves relationships. Best of all, trusting your vibes relieves you of worry—that alone should be enough of an incentive to get your sixth sense up and running.

“Everything in nature intuitively gravitates toward what best serves its growth, and that includes the human race. The only difference is that we have the choice to follow our intuition or not. So if you want your sixth sense to work, stop resisting your vibes, and change the rules you live by instead.”

reflections2Interestingly, I find I enjoy my daughter and Mr. B more when I can come from a place of enjoyment and curiosity, putting myself aside in order to be present with them.  That happens all too rarely, I’m afraid.  However, when I slow down and listen to what my inner vibes are telling me, I get to that place much much faster.  Part of it is in letting go of control, which is where Part 2, Mind over Matter, comes in.

More on that in my next post.  🙂

How are you at listening to your intuition?

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4 Responses to Living a six-sensory life: a multi-part review of Trust Your Vibes

  1. Pingback: Trust Your Vibes: observe without absorbing |

  2. Cheryl says:

    I think you’ve got a challenge with this one…I know you will enjoy it though…your very thought provoking…
    Happy Monday.
    Cheryl recently posted…Paris…Left BankMy Profile

  3. This discussion makes me think because I wonder if any of the emotional insights you are after depend on a belief in the supernatural, or not. I’ve never been capable of faith.

    • Naomi says:

      Hmm. I don’t think belief in supernatural is required, but it does help to feel there is something out there outside our immediate control that we could surrender to, even if it’s just the rest of the world’s people and circumstances. It is mainly about gaining the inner awareness to be able to listen to your own needs.

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