We can’t do it all… at once

IMG_1508_blog tulipSo it turns out that if you try to jam in too much activity into too short a time frame, you will suffer physically and possibly emotionally.  Relationships will suffer.  You’ll be forced to make some decisions.

I should really make these “doing way too much and need to rest” posts a monthly feature.  Every time I write one, I think, “Didn’t I just say something similar recently? When will I ever learn?” You remember that post where I told you how excited I am to be starting so many new things? Ha! Some of you totally saw this one coming. I really don’t know what I’m trying to prove.

IMG_1496_blog tulipWisdom from Brave Girls:

“Pay attention to how it feels to go faster than you really have strength to go….”

“It is always always always worth it to go where the peace is….where the best stuff is…….where we can just BE and not feel like we have to BE ENOUGH. We are ALL already enough.”

calendar of eventsBack-to-back late-night events, a photo gig that left my quads shaking, first day of class teacher nerves, severe lack of sleep, PTO meeting, volunteering in my daughter’s classroom, taking the required classes to be a Girl Scout troop leader, my first tap class in 25+ years (and wow is gravity not at all helpful!), daily school lunches and uniforms and so much paperwork, blogging, editing photo shoot pics, trying to fulfill custom art orders, reorganizing our home office and playroom, air conditioning malfunctions, play dates, dance classes, dentist appointments… a girl could just collapse in exhaustion.  And that’s just what’s happening.

tap stepsRather than attend my first yoga class, I found that I just couldn’t get going.  So I put my PJs back on, got back into bed, and slept for 3 hours.  I did get to the second class and all the gentle stretching was wonderfully healing to my frazzled nerves.

IMG_1504_blog tulipsI want to do so much and try so many things, but I suppose it’s true that you can’t do it all, at least not all at one time of life.  A girl can be everything to everyone, but not all at once.  I’ve got to be ok with saying no or even “maybe next year.” I have such enthusiasm for it all, but I know I don’t have unlimited stores of energy or time.  So frustrating!

IMG_1502_blog tulipI am going to listen to another Brave Girls email and stop comparing myself to what I wish I could be and begin being ok with who I am.  I had a rough first couple of weeks of teaching… turns out I am a softy and I need to develop some classroom management skills asap.  I’ve been rather down about it.  I didn’t need them to tell me that I’m too hard on myself.  🙂

Brave Girls

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11 Responses to We can’t do it all… at once

  1. I love these tulips….how your eyes caught the sweep of their necks
    and flecks of light resting soft on their petals. So beautiful.
    Slowing down to see them more, thanks to your shared wisdom:)
    Jennifer Richardson recently posted…roots of something real….My Profile

  2. SKJAM! says:

    Take the time you need and gently ramp back up to find your good spot.
    SKJAM! recently posted…Book Review: People Tools for BusinessMy Profile

  3. Cheryl says:

    I think it’s more of a generational problem because I think I was that way also when I was younger and my kids were younger…but as you grow into yourself you will slow down and enjoy the things that you do more intensely instead of flying through life…we all do to much but it will get easier to put on the brakes if you start now…
    Good luck…but I do love your willingness to try “everything.”…just save some things for later…
    Cheryl recently posted…Cookies and MilkMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      You are so right, Cheryl. Thank you for reminding me that there will be time for other things and it doesn’t have to all take place right now. I do feel a responsibility to dive into many things for some reason.

  4. Janet says:

    No one to talk. We’ve been going balls to the walls for 2 weeks- 4 1/2 left to go. I think we’re going to die when we get home. But I have to say it feels GREAT to be excited each and every day. I need to change something about the way we live on a day to day basis. I thrive on chaos it seems.

    • Naomi says:

      Having been in that same situation, I must say that I don’t know how you could keep it up indefinitely. Adding excitement to each day is a fabulous idea, but don’t overdo it! I thrive on chaos too but it’ll get us in the end.

  5. Christine G. says:

    Dear Naomi – I totally resonated with this post!! I have crashed several times in my life from doing to much. I naturally have a lot of energy (until I don’t) and this was a beautiful reminder to be gentle with ourselves and take care. I too am a girl scout leader (16 cadettes) and I remember how overwhelming it was when I first started with all the trainings and paperwork – that I can tell you gets easier 🙂 I look forward to reading more of you blog.



    • Naomi says:

      Thank you, Christine! I found a wonderful co-leader for our daisy scout troop and I’m really looking forward to getting started. I completely agree with you (and my wiser calm self) that we must slow down before we crash. I’ve done that too and it is a tough lesson. Thank you so much for visiting and for your lovely supportive comment.

  6. stacie says:

    I totally get it Naomi!! I think you should have this as a monthly reminder post 🙂 I know I need to hear it over and over again. I skipped yoga this week too for a 2 hour nap. Love your photos. What are you teaching?

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks, Stacie. I am teaching fifth grade religious school. You’d think kids couldn’t do too much harm in 50 minutes. I’m reading up on classroom management. 🙂

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