Talking myself into slowing down

Stack of books(In the middle of way too many books)

Here’s the dialogue that I wrote in my journal the other day.  I was answering myself from a wise place of inner knowing that had been mostly invisible to me until now.

What can I do to begin finding the path toward being at peace with who I am?

Look at simply being at peace.  Period.  

Do one thing at a time.  BE peaceful.

Read one book.  

Take one class.

Make one canvas.

Have one goal at at time for each day.

Am I afraid I’ll miss or forget something? Did you see my eyes darting around the room just now? Am I scared to settle into peacefulness?

You are making it harder than it needs to be.  You are tired.  Slow it way down and see how you feel.

What about my list of short- and long-term projects?

There is nothing on your list that you must do or accomplish.  It’s ok to have lists.  Select one thing at a time that feels playful and right in that moment and fully enjoy doing it.

Your body and mind are racing through your days filed with panic that time is rushing by.  This is an illusion.

You have all the time you wish and need.  Slow down and embody your life.

When awakening each morning, pause to be grateful for a new day of wonder.

Appreciate the solidity of the ground under your feet and the softness of your carpet.

Notice the equilibrium of your body as you walk.

Smell your morning coffee and sip it slowly.  Allow it to fill you.

Feel the paper in your hands when opening the mail.

Be mindful of each sound, sight, and sensory moment as it is before you.

Notice.  Slow w a a a y down and notice.

It will change you.

This will change everything.

Isn’t inner me wise? I need to speak with her more often!

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7 Responses to Talking myself into slowing down

  1. Pingback: Parenting with presence: slowing down |

  2. The inner you is incredibly wise. Thank you for sharing this sacred part of you.

    Your book table looks just like mine — right down to the titles in the front. I’ve had that Mark Nepo book out of the library countless times, and that Hyperbole and a Half book was what launched me into cartooning (that and my mom’s enthusiasm!).

    It’s so interesting that you have those two books up there, because lately I’ve been exploring these two distinct sides of myself: the deeply spiritual, contemplative side, and the total goofball cartoony side. I love all of me, and it is interesting to integrate both sides in my work. Would love to hear your reflections on something like this.
    Harmony Harrison recently posted…The Rotten Mussel Shell Experience: Daisy’s abiding love for all things stinky (and our abiding love for her)My Profile

    • Naomi says:

      How funny that we have those same books! We all have such multi-faceted personalities and interests. I think that’s what keeps us interesting. 🙂

  3. Marcie says:

    Beautiful and inspiring. Thank-you for the gift of sharing your lists.

  4. Debbie Goode says:

    Yes….she is very wise indeed. I’ve learned to slow down…to enjoy…to be thankful. It leads to a happy way of life. Oh I still have my moments of ‘busyness’ but I’ve learned to recognize the signs…take a deep breath…and realize there is time….
    Debbie Goode recently posted…Buster 7My Profile

  5. Oh Naomi I am constantly in awe of all that you do. Your lists are so impressive. I’ve wondered many times how you manage to fit it all in!
    Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Cats In The CradleMy Profile

  6. Cheryl says:

    This is exactly what I’m trying to accomplish…not there yet but moving forward…I don’t get upset anymore if my day doesn’t turn out as planned…and I’m made some strides in getting control over my obsession with classes, flickr, Facebook…will they still love me..if I don’t comment…need more work on Facebook.
    Your list could be mine…LOL I might use a bit of it…it will come Naomi…one day at a time..Oh, I started taking meditation classes every Tuesday night…that is helping me to slow down…at least for that hour.
    Cheryl recently posted…SerendipityMy Profile

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