You got to move it, move it!

The good news: I’ve lost ten pounds.  I feel immensely better, having changed my diet.  The not-good news: I still don’t like how I look.  I don’t notice a difference yet at all.  Is that normal? We had a special bridging-to-Brownies ceremony for our Girl Scout troop last week and I very much dislike what I look like in the photos of me pinning on the girls’ Brownie pins.

Is that vain? I care about being healthy, but I also care about how I look.  There are two motivating comments that have been ringing in my ears lately.  One is from my former boss who, upon hearing that I’d been meeting a trainer at my gym for 5am workouts, said he didn’t think I could sustain that.  (He was wrong.)  The other is a dance teacher from high school who mentioned that I have “birthing hips.” Still, the voice in my own head is the worst.

So I’ll continue doing what I’m doing, of course.  I have been fast-walking every morning for a few weeks now, usually about 3 miles but always at least 30 minutes.  I’ve begun carrying 2 pound weights as well.  When I can’t walk outside because of the heat, I walk on my treadmill.

Today I’m looking for your ideas.  I have a few songs that are good for fast walking.  In order to motivate myself to start, all I have to do is turn on “Walkin on Sunshine” and I start moving and searching for my tennies.  Do you have good exercise music?

What about apps, books, videos, or other tools for physical movement? Once I’ve lost more weight, it’ll be easier to begin toning/strength training.  Thanks in advance!

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11 Responses to You got to move it, move it!

  1. Becky says:

    I don’t have any apps, books, videos, or anything else like that to offer. I can offer what I’ve found to work the best for me. Although, everyone needs something different to feel motivated and be successful with weight loss, healthy eating, etc, so these may not help you.

    1. Smaller meals on smaller plates. I am REALLY bad with portion control!

    2. I try to stop myself at 80% full because there is no reason to stuff myself. And I try to never get below 20% or I make really bad eating choices when I am that hungry!

    3. To lose weight I need to be a little bit hungry. That’s just the way it is!

    4. I eat better to lose weight. I go to the gym to make my body healthy and stronger. I try to keep those two things separate in my head! I don’t count all the exercise as an excuse to eat more.

    5. I do not see change in how my body looks if I just do cardio. I need weights/strength training/resistance training.
    Becky recently posted…June, July & August 2015 Wrap UpMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      Becky, for some reason, I didn’t get your comment in my email and I am just seeing it now. I love your advice and I thank you for it. I haven’t figured out the strength training yet. What gym to you go to and when? I totally agree with small portions. I also think it’s ok to be hungry and chew gum to get through the day. I’m stuck at the same number on the scale right now and just persisting with my healthy eating of 1000 calories a day. I think my body needs to adjust to where I am in order for the weight loss to continue. Still, it’s frustrating. I FEEL so good inside, but I still don’t like how my clothes fit!

  2. Mine is a silly one – “Dance with my Pants.” It’s the perfect beat to match my stride (which is short.) I also live with a fitbit on my wrist which acts as a daily reminder to get in 10K steps. If I don’t do it, I feel like a guilty slug. I’m just wrapping up a 6 week vacation, and in that time I only missed my goal twice, and neither could be avoided as there was no opportunity to walk. A few days I went over 20K. BUT, I ate (and drank wine and hard cider) like a fiend, so at best, I think I kept from gaining. I plan to continue to walking when we get home, dial back the food substantially and all but eliminate the alcohol, and hopefully I’ll get some of this lard off. Unfortunately for all of us, genetics get in the way of what we want for ourselves, but I think your aunt has the right idea. Somehow we need to learn how to accept and even rejoice in what we have and who we got it from… Oh, and I think you look great, for what my opinion means!
    Janet Forrest recently posted…Antarctica Through A Tattered LensMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      OK I can hardly wait to go look up that song! On our trip, I think I broke even. All the croissants, wine, and pasta can really get ya, but the walking helped counterbalance it. I hope you are traveling home safely!

  3. Janet says:

    Naomi, Good for you! I love your commenter’s responses. I’d add that I am enjoying the Couch to 5K app on my smart phone, which is helping me build my endurance.
    Janet recently posted…What do Vikings and football have in common with breast cancer?My Profile

    • Naomi says:

      I’d like to find an app like that, just not a running one. Every time I google “beginners apps interval training,” I get scared and close the page. Walking every morning has been the best for me, but I know I’m going to need to incorporate something else soon.

  4. cheryl says:

    Congratulations on your 10 pounds lost. That’s a big deal. Now, forget about those two people with their negative thoughts. Also Naomi, you need to stop feeding yourself negative thoughts. What you tell yourself is what will come true. So only positive thoughts. The truth is the weeks pass quickly even if the days are sometimes long. You do the hard work long enough and it will become a habit. You can trust me on that. How to stay motivated? One foot in front of the other. Head phones and music. So Friend, you eat right, walk as often as you can, and your body will do its work. It’s to early in the game to get discouraged. You lost 10 pounds, if you hadn’t been doing the work, you might have gained another 10… Good thoughts always. Anything worthwhile takes time and lots of hard work. Have a great weekend.

    • Naomi says:

      Well THANK YOU! I completely agree about shutting off the negativity. I’ve been saying “one foot in front of the other” since I read your comment a few days ago, and it’s working great. Thank you for the encouragement!

  5. Aunt Val says:

    First, I’m proud of you for the 10 pound loss and envy you just a smidg for being young and able to do it. Great! Second, I think the hips are hereditary on the paternal side. Not much you can do to mold and reshape but there is something you can do about self-image.
    Close your beautiful eyes, rub your hands over those wonderful, familial hips and remember your grandmother Mona who was a statue-isque classy lady. She gave those wonderful hips to you to remember her by. Send her your love in this spiritual visit and feel her love wash over you in return. Then go take your walk (on sunshine) and be grateful that you can. Thank those hips for not letting you down and feel loved by all those who came before you and gave you the parts of your physical self. You’re beautiful as you feel so feel beautiful.

    • Naomi says:

      It IS more difficult as we age, but I think anyone could do it. One foot in front of the other… Thank you for your lovely comment about loving what I have. 🙂

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