Energy boundaries

One of the benefits of knowing your Energy Type is that it gives you complete permission to be yourself. For many people, it helps their life makes sense.  It means that you are PERFECT being YOU! So what about when someone comes into your life and tries to take away that specialness?

From Carol’s book, Dressing Your Truth, Discover Your Type of Beauty:

  • Discover why you do what you do.
  • Identify your personal strengths.
  • Eliminate your greatest challenges.
  • Learn in the best way for you.

“Physical science recognizes second chakra energy as the law of cause and effect (for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction) and the law of magnetism (oppositely charged objects attract). Applied to relationships, these laws mean that we generate patterns of energy that attract people who are opposite us in some way, who have something to teach. Nothing is random; prior to every relationship we have ever formed, we opened the door with energy that we were generating.”

This means that every person you interact with has come into your life to serve some purpose… to teach you something, to show you how NOT to handle something, to draw out a quality within yourself.

In order to life a creative life, or really to have any sense of peace, you’ve got to put in place some boundaries.  I’ve long been that person whose personality melds with the one I’m currently interacting with.  I used to wonder exactly who I was because I seemed to become different people depending on who I was with.  Now I know that, being an empath, this is normal.  I have to carve out separateness for myself to let go of that and find myself again.  If I don’t do this necessary recalibration often, I start to wilt.  Literally.

I think it’s hugely brave to be able to state something about yourself and be able to stand by it no matter what the reaction.  And it takes real courage to stand up for your convictions no matter who you disappoint.  When we discussed being a people-pleaser here on the blog, I realized how few the times are that I’ve been able to be fully true to myself in that way, but that when I did, it felt like a huge relief.  Now I seek that feeling of rightness more and more…

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