They aren’t kidding

treadmill caution

Remember my slacker post where I mentioned how being an overachiever and a multi-tasker could eventually harm your health? I meant that the stress could be dangerous. However, it has (ahem) come to my attention that it may not be truly possible to do two things at once anyhow.

To make a long story short, I was trying to talk on the phone with a treadmill repair person, get dressed, and look something up on my computer… at the same time.   I was distracted and I fell hard onto the fast-moving belt, bruising my shoulder and legs and scraping one palm rather badly.  I am hugely thankful that it wasn’t a worse injury.

I have read that driving and talking on the phone are not actually possible to do at the same time, and I think it’s true because whenever I’ve done it, I do not remember how I got where I was going.  It’s as if the brain goes on autopilot or something.  Sort of scary.  Think of all those slow drivers you’ve had to go around, only to realize that they were on their phones and their minds were elsewhere, not focused on the task at hand at all.

I had always prided myself at work on being able to manage several things at once, but I think maybe my brain is just good at switching between tasks quickly.  I must have given each one my full attention.  Heck, I have trouble managing multiple stove burners when I’m cooking!

So I urge you all to slow down and pay attention to the task at hand, especially if there’s heavy machinery involved.  I’ll see you Monday with my monthly book report.  🙂

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13 Responses to They aren’t kidding

  1. Cheryl says:

    And to confirm that even more Naomi…my son, who is a meditation/yoga, wellness guy with his own business…told us at class one night that the brain is not wired to multi task…in fact, it can only do one thing at a time…since then, I try to keep this in mind and when I start to go in that direction…I stop and work only on one thing…funny thing is, more gets done, quicker and in better order…

    I hope you are o.k…I saw a woman at the gym fall on a treadmill once and I still get a weird feeling in my stomach when I think about it…perhaps that’s why there are big signs there that say…NO TALKING ON CELL PHONES WHILE ON EQUIPMENT..

    Have a good week and stay on your feet…
    Cheryl recently posted…Summer’s EndMy Profile

  2. I get this completely….have banged and bruised while cooking simple meals:)
    Sometimes I think slowing down may be the solution for way more than I realize.
    Thanks for stirring me to thinking down that path again,
    Jennifer Richardson recently posted…belly burning bright…My Profile

  3. Caroline says:

    Yes…have to pay attention!!! I am glad to hear you are on the mend!!! xo
    Caroline recently posted…September and a letter to myselfMy Profile

  4. Oooh Naomi – sorry you got hurt! Sounds like it’s time for multi-slacking NOT multi-tasking. 🙂
    Deborah Weber recently posted…Sacred Beginnings – CalmMy Profile

  5. Ouch! I hope it stops hurting just as soon as possible. I agree about the dangers of multitasking. I cannot drive and talk on the phone either, and I agree that most of us who can multitask (like in cooking) are actually just switching tasks. When I “multitask” the same time I exercise it’s usually by watching a concert video from my Nordic Track. The beat of the music helps me keep my rhythm up, and makes a half hour pass as if it were 15 minutes. That’s not real multitasking, because I am not attempting to get a second thing done.

  6. First, are you okay??? You poor dear! If you are, then may I giggle just a little? I may not know why I’m where I am, but at least I haven’t damaged myself. Yet. Yeah, I’m thinking we need to slow down a little. Focus better?
    janet forrest recently posted…Just Going To Sit Here With Me, Myself and I…My Profile

    • Naomi says:

      It is rather funny. I actually had the thought that if we had video surveillance in the house, I would want to watch it for sure. I must have looked like a clunky idiot.

  7. Becky says:

    Sorry you got hurt, Naomi. I hope you heal quickly.

    It is true that some things just require too much focus for me to try to multitask!

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