3am ramblings about time

In the quiet of the very early morning when the house and it’s inhabitants are dreaming,  my thoughts unravel from their tethers and wander.

Unable to sleep due to an I-won’t make-it-through-the-day-without-it afternoon coffee, I feel the heaviness of my body but the liveliness of my mind.

I have already read an entire novel since I came to bed.  I stare at a large poster on the bedroom wall of my daughter, her head tilted at a poetic angle, her gaze focused on something in the distance.

She is already full of half a year’s worth of experience since I captured that moment.  I am struck by the unfairness of time.

These are the times I most want to hold close, and yet they are slipping away with daily errands, busy-ness, my own fatigue.  I picture her a teenager, a college grad, a young working woman, a wife, a mother, an old woman.  I am already nostalgic for her youth.

Yet here it is for the taking, down the hall in sweet slumber.  Please allow me to be able to receive this joy, to stop pushing it away.  How is it that I’m missing what I already have right here?

(Note: I wrote this a couple weeks ago when I was in quite a different place.  I feel like I now am much more able to appreciate these fleeting days with my sweet girl.  What a difference sleep makes on my perspective.)
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4 Responses to 3am ramblings about time

  1. Pingback: Mindful progress – April OLW Bloghop | Poetic Aperture

  2. Eydie says:

    I just reread the post (above) I wrote to you and I think I should pay more attention to my editing at 6:00. Oh well, let’s be kind with ourselves.
    Yes, I believe we are Soul Sisters, too. So glad to have found you, my friend.

  3. Eydie says:


    My daughter is turning 12 this week. How can that be? It was just yesterday when I could cradle her entire body between my two arms. Now she is as tall as me, Seriously, how can this be?

    I’ve been meaning to write back to you about your postings about the ‘rocks”. I keep thinking about them and what they signify. It is so important to identity those big rocks, to be mindful of them, never forgetting their importance.

    Oh, to answer your question about where I recently saw the story of the rocks … Like you, I’ve hears the story many times. I believe the last time I so it on FB. When I googled it, there were many references to the story, yet it did not appear that anyone really knew who the originator is.
    I think your story was perfect and your referenced it just right.

    I’v so melancoly about time, and I have really resonated with your words in your recent postings. I can also relate to how potent those late afternoon coffees can be. I wish you a peaceful day.

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