Summer afternoons

Yeah, I’m not so sure of that, Mr. James.

After a trip, then sleepaway camp, followed by the move, and then a 2-week theatre camp, we’ve arrived at “Camp Mom.” I’ve planned some structure into our days so that Sweet Girl has some cleaning tasks each morning to complete, some required reading time, and then is allowed to watch videos or play games on her device. We have one activity planned a day out of the apartment (painting pottery, going to a class at a craft store, a magic show at the library, etc.) and we can also swim at the pool. I’m open to playing Battleship or card games, doing a science experiment, going to the library, etc. I’m not open to creating obstacle courses, making up dances, or making slime. Girlfriend needs a playmate!

What I didn’t consider when planning these days is how interminable they are and also that I wouldn’t have the freedom to sit in quiet and read or write without countless interruptions. If I want to exercise, I’ve got to take SG with me, which limits what I can do and how quickly I can do it.

I started “all in” and now on Day 4, I’ve already exhausted all of my internal resources for patience! I feel as if I’m constantly making snacks, cleaning up projects (or snack crumbs), or answering a million questions. I have encouraged her to do as much as possible by herself, but she is a social person and, well, I am not. While I’m content working on a project or reading the afternoon away, my little companion is not. If I withdraw, she would watch You Tube for hours on end, but I can’t let her do that.

At the moment, I have her watching Magic School Bus because I figure it’s slightly educational! It is definitely a need that I have some mental quiet and space. I’m trying to figure out how to get that. I know that I am in the negative already, but I don’t know how to recoup my mental calm, much less explain this need to my family. They expect an upbeat, in charge person to take care of all the little details.

I’m sick of the little details. I’m tired of grocery planning and shopping, laundry and dishes, finding where we put the sunscreen when we moved in, vacuuming the cat hair off the rug, going to the house every day to answer questions, waiting for it to be finished already. I know, I know, I am incredibly fortunate for this time with my daughter, for this easy-to-keep up with apartment, and to be able to have a new home.

Oh wait, here she is now, asking if she can get a new app. Does anyone else ever feel like screaming, “Leave me alone!!!?

Update: I’ve got a babysitter coming for a couple hours tomorrow. I’m trying to set up some playdates with her friends. I spoke with SG about how mommy must have quiet time alone in order to be nice. 🙂

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One Response to Summer afternoons

  1. I really can relate, even though I’m not a mother. My husband requires a lot of attention very often when I want to work or read. I’m the computer expert and frequently need to assist with software. He is very helpful with the housework, so I really should not complain, he constantly teaches me patience. I’m sure a big part of the problem is that you are used to how your day goes during the school year. Fall is coming!

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