Reluctantly, I signed up for Life Book 2017… and it’s awesome!

Do you remember that I participated in Life Book in 2013? I don’t know how it’s been that long ago, honestly.  I thought maybe I skipped a year… not 3! Well, here’s why I decided to dive in head first for 2017.

I am committed to getting back into the art room in January.  Yesterday, when I went to look at my desk, I couldn’t tell what I would actually begin working on first.  There are several unfinished canvas boards on my desk that I was working on a year ago.  And I also want to make two large canvases for my bedroom.  I even have a little easel stand on the wall now.  Otherwise, my desks are messy.  I’ve been running in to toss something on the desk or under it for months now.

It seems the thing to do is just begin.  No thinking or planning… and I am not that good at doing that.  So I think following a program with video instruction accompaniment will be good for me.  I swear to myself and all of you that I am not going to be rigid about it this time.  If I skip a lesson or two, who cares? It’s not a big financial commitment; mostly time.  I won’t even get to begin until January 4 when SG returns to school.  I don’t like being behind but I’m going to think of it a different way.

I think the volunteer commitments that are going to take the most of my time this spring will be Sisterhood and Girl Scouts.  For Sisterhood, I’ve been doing all the PR newsletters and we have some large programs coming up that I want to make sure are successful.  For Brownies, it’s cookie time, which is a lot of work.

In case you’d like to join me on my Life Book adventure… , DO!!

I am enrollee #1252. Goodness, there are a lot of us!

I think the thing I like most about it is that it’s about the heart as much as it is about art. Each person is encouraged to pour themselves into what they create.  It is healing and freeing and fun, all at the same time.  It is a group who encourages each other as much as it is a personal adventure.  I still treasure my book from a few years ago because I put so much of myself into that art.  It’s about kindness, community, and learning to be compassionate with yourself.  That sounds pretty good right now!

So I’ve made myself excited just by writing about it! I couldn’t wait to begin…

This is our first lesson. She’s called Star Girl.  She contains all our successes and regrets form 2016 and everything we’d like to call forward in 2017.  Here she is!

I’ll keep you posted on more lessons, friends! And please join me if you want.

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3 Responses to Reluctantly, I signed up for Life Book 2017… and it’s awesome!

  1. Your enthusiasm about the class is infectious! But, alas, I’m behind on a couple of classes I signed up for – maybe next year. I’ll travel along with your posts – and I look forward to seeing your journey.
    Vickie Martin Conison recently posted…MOM’S RECIPES #3 – Barbecue ChickenMy Profile

  2. Color me impressed! It’s been so long since I took any class, I can’t even remember it, but at least I’ve quit buying them AND not actually taking them! Looks like you’re off to a great start!
    Janet Forrest recently posted…Day #14 GBII – Balancing My ObsessionsMy Profile

  3. christina says:

    star girl is beautiful. just like you, my dear friend!

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