The future me

Butter carton


I have a feeling that in a few months’ time, I’ll know so much more about healthy living.

I used to shop at a “normal” neighborhood grocery store… no problems.  I tossed strawberries, deli meat, cereals, frozen diet meals, and random snacks into my cart without hesitation, even actually feeling good about my family being semi-healthy.  NOW, however, when I go to the same grocery store with my new knowledge, it’s a different story.

I was looking for strawberries (or any fruit or vegetable) that’s organic because I don’t want us eating those sprayed-on pesticides anymore.  Couldn’t find one.  Huh.

I found an entire aisle of cheeses, but only 1 was organic and I had to search hard for that one.  It wasn’t even a type we eat.  That’s crazy!

And finally, the deli counter had not one turkey or chicken that was antibiotic/hormone-free.  I did find some pre-packaged Applegate Farms turkey, but those packages are loaded with preservatives.

I left the store empty-handed.  And amazed that I am almost 41 years old and I never knew about this huge issue.

(I have to mention how impressed I am with Target, though.  They carry many organic products now, including their own Simply Balanced brand.)

Every time I learn about a new product or food that has antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, GMOs, or unhealthy oils and fats, I change to a healthier version.  Today I changed my deoderant! In general, I am angry and shocked at how many toxic processed chemicals companies are putting in their products.

I also don’t understand why it took so much effort for me to come across this knowledge.  I guess I just never thought about conventional food and what’s in it.  I trusted that it was safe.  (Many of these chemicals are banned in Europe and Canada, but not in the US.)

Cheese packageLet’s take milk, yogurt, and cheese.  (For some reason, I knew to give Sweet Girl organic, hormone-free milk (maybe from parenting magazines?) but I completely forgot that cheese has the same ingredient!) These products are make with milk from cows that are confined (unable to pasture graze) and fed GMO grains (not grass). Chemical defoamers (like what’s in Silly Putty), artificial sweeteners, sugar, or high fructose corn syrup are sometimes added, along with colors, preservatives, and carrageenan. I thought my greek yogurt was healthy! At least it isn’t one that has fruit, which would also include pesticides.  So now I’m going through yogurts listed on the Cornucopia Institute’s guide and tasting them to find my new fave.

Every day I hear about a new book I want to read or a new product to look for at Whole Foods.  With my newly discovered clean eating and walking every morning, I am so much more energetic and happy.  I am dropping pounds quickly while being fully satisfied and not hungry at all.  Imagine 3 months from now what I will be like! I can’t wait to be her!

I know that many of you are far ahead of me… please share your suggested web sites and books about healthy eating.

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19 Responses to The future me

  1. Are you still doing Weight Watchers, Naomi? I’ve been a label watcher for years now and find that their new program is wonderful. I no longer eat any of the “low fat” stuff that I did before. Just focussing on simple, healthy and delicious. Have lost 18 lbs and kept it off since November. I continue to go to the meetings every Saturday and that has also been the ticket for me to keep the weight off.
    Here in Canada there is an alert on “organic” labeling. It’s tricky. Very easy to label something as organic. I understand there’s a push on to tighten that up. However, I am thrilled that we do not allow hormones to be introduced into the milk.
    Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…All One Needs Is A Little PerspectiveMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      No, not Weight Watchers, but I am using an app called LoseIt. It’s similar in that you keep track of everything that passes your lips. I totally agree about the low sugar/fat stuff. It seems that every country except the US is on top of labeling and health. Something so “new” as organic… makes sense that someone needs to review the guidelines. I think here there’s a 70% requirement to say “mostly organic” or something like that. Don’t quote me. 🙂

  2. Sue says:

    Congrats on being so healthy!! I admire the challenge you have taken on. I know that it is a one day at a time process and an overall eating healthy habit, not a diet. Now I just need to heed my own words. good luck on your quest.

  3. it can be overwhelming, but worth it in the end. I’m blessed to live near an amazing farmers market – well – actually between two of them. The Dekalb Farmers market is being rebuilt and it will become the largest grocery story in the US – and farm to table farmers markets are popping up everywhere here in Atlanta. It is easier to find what I want at this time of the year, the food is just fresher – and a challenge in the colder months (yes, we do get them in Atlanta!) I have planted a few vegetables this year – for the first time ever (even though my parents had a great one and granddad was a farmer) – so we’ll see! Keep looking!
    Vickie Martin Conison recently posted…ALICE PRIN – AKA KIKI DE MONTPARNASSEMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      That is so exciting… I just learned the Walmart supercenters are the largest market in the US and I’m happy to have them kicked into #2. I just joined a CSA and I think it starts next week, so we’ll see. We DO have lots of farmers markets in Houston. It’s just a matter of getting myself to go to one. 🙂

  4. Debbie Goode says:

    Yes….you go girl! I agree it is hard work to find organically grown food…sad. On the road, I am always on the ‘look out’ for the local farmer’s market. I can almost always find ‘organically grown’ there. It just shouldn’t be this hard!
    Debbie Goode recently posted…Morgan HillMy Profile

  5. Elda says:

    So great to hear about your success with your new eating lifestyle. The information comes to us when we are ready to hear it and possibly implement what we learned.

    All in due time. It can be easy to get overwhelmed with so much information now, however what I would recommend is exactly what you are already doing…putting what you learned into daily practice. I am so happy for you!
    Elda recently posted…On The Other HandMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      So I wish I knew all this before, but you think I wasn’t ready to incorporate all this knowledge? I like that theory because I can stop feeling bad about the past and simply move on!

  6. Congratulations Naomi on your new quest and how wonderful you’re feeling better and more healthy already! It’s hard work eating clean. And it’s likely to remain so until we have a complete shift in our society, moving away from big agrabusinesses and the influence of big money on our food supply. But like all change, we must begin somewhere and each time each one of us moves in the direction of what we believe in and hold valuable we make a difference in the collective. I truly believe that.
    Deborah Weber recently posted…Kindness Challenge: Week 1My Profile

    • Naomi says:

      I know you’re right. One at a time and eventually something will shift. If only it hadn’t developed that way in the first place. It seems that so many of the conveniences of the past 130 years are coming back to bite us. 🙂

  7. Love the changes you are making Naomi. Here’s to you and your family’s health!! xo
    Suzanne McRae recently posted…#WorldAutismAwarenessDay … in the life of a young adultMy Profile

  8. Amy Putkonen says:

    Yeah, Naomi! Keep going, GIRL! That is great to hear!
    Amy Putkonen recently posted…A to Z ReflectionMy Profile

  9. Paula says:

    I know how discouraging it can be to eat healthy. It takes a tremendous amount of research and then you have to find the healthy options! I live 5 hours from a whole foods store. In my rural community we have a small section of organic fresh fruit at the local grocery store and other organic staples at Walmart. That’s it. I still keep trying but I wish we trusted had been more helpful and trustworthy. So glad you are able to have access to healthy foods. I look forward to the local farmers market this summer
    Paula recently posted…April’s GiftsMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      Wow, Paula. 5 hours? I was feeling a little annoyed that mine is a whole 5 minutes away. Lol. I am reading the most interesting account of Walmart’s produce section. For much of America, that’s all they’ve got access to. If you’re interested,read The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee’s, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table by Tracie McMillan.

  10. Cheryl says:

    If you have a Trader Joes near you, go there. Lots of organic and healthy choices. I am fortunate to live in an area that has a Farm store that sells all its own meet and chicken. And of course eggs. I won’t buy meat at a grocery store anymore.

    Stop and shop also has a brand called Natures Promise which you might try. The best
    Yogurt is Siggs. Nothing in it but goodness. I’ve been reading labels for a very long time. Lol

    Good luck, your doing great.

    • Naomi says:

      OK I found and tried Siggs yogurt and I like the vanilla. Since I’m trying to lose some major poundage, I am going to wait to get more since they are more calories than I can afford right now. I haven’t been to Trader Joes in a long time… good idea!

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