Wanted: time for integration

Balance is an art watercolor

Ever feel you are rushing through your days, trying to keep multiple balls in the air? Of course you do.  We’ve all been there at some point.

I feel incredibly blessed that I get to spend the time my daughter is at school doing whatever I want.  It sounds better than it feels, for some reason.  Exercise.  Shower.  Read e-mail.  Do blog stuff.  Run errands.  And the majority goes to my classes and creating time.

To do list

Every day there are way more to-dos than I could possibly accomplish.  It feels like I’m rushing.  I can’t find time to do it all.

Sometimes you need to create space in your schedule.  A couple of friends have implemented self-imposed restrictions on taking courses, social networking, and even TV time.  One friend took a year off of visiting his life coach and called it his Year of Integration, where he allowed what he’d learned to settle in his mind and heart.

EcoursesBy now you know that I am taking too many e-courses (and yes, I agreed to contribute to “Inspired Mama” – more on that soon).  They are delicious, but they don’t allow for any down time.  You’ll notice, however, that after the end of May, many will have ended.  After June, they will all have ended except for the ongoing monthly ones.  I plan to take advantage of the extra space in my schedule.  If I aim to find stillness and calm in my days, adding more and more is obviously not the answer.  Let’s see how I do with fewer to dos and more quiet, daydreaming, lounging, and reading.

How are you balancing your life?

Like the little watercolor drawing? See it here.

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16 Responses to Wanted: time for integration

  1. Debbie Goode says:

    I used to always feel…in a rush…especially when I sat down at my easel. Knowing there where so many other things that needed ‘doing’. I’ve learned that most things can wait….and that I can take the time to do what I love….what nourishes my soul and makes me happy!
    Debbie Goode recently posted…Facelift and a trip to the zoo…..no really….My Profile

  2. Your comment about creating space rings true for me and is how I try to live my days. A few years ago, I worked on accepting that a 10-minute slice of time was a good start and that I didn’t have to complete a project in one sitting. Breaking things down into smaller chunks has continued to help me find balance. I also strongly agree with your plan to aim for stillness. It’s amazing what even 5 minutes of quiet time can do for my soul! Peace and balance to you, Naomi!

    • Naomi says:

      And peace to you too, Heather. I’m more and more able to rest because I know that it helps lead to greater clarity and creativity eventually.

  3. I hear you on the classes. So delicious, and yet so consuming. My favorites are the ones that allow me to proceed at my own gentle, quiet pace with no deadline and little social media. Otherwise, I can get caught up in the frenzy! Right now, I’m taking two time-based courses, and even two is too much. But the courses I’m in that I can access forever, gently and slowly, are like sweet balm to my soul.
    Harmony Harrison recently posted…Kissing Froggies and Finishing Kitties: A teeny, tiny orange kitty painting comes to life — and actually gets finished!My Profile

    • Naomi says:

      That sounds like what I’m doing with Soul Food (except I’m doing nothing at the moment with it). I have all year to complete the lessons. I’m even planning on letting myself NOT do some of them.

  4. ann saylor says:

    you are so right – stillness and ‘me’ time are very important! i’m proud of you for taking an honest assessment of your time, and working to carve out space for stillness!

    • Naomi says:

      Yes, thanks Ann. It’s slow-going, but I’m headed in the right direction. Compassion for myself is key. Thank you for commenting!

  5. Susan says:

    I hear you, Naomi. Busy busy busy is my life. A few weeks ago I pulled back, decided to curb my time online and get some sleep. It was hard the first week, wonderful the second week and now, the third week, I’m finding myself creeping back into the old habits. It’s a matter of balance. Today I’m taking the time to organize what I’m doing instead of flitting from task to task. I’m writing out the projects, prioritizing their associated tasks, and realistically scheduling the time needed to complete them. Most important, I’m going to add in some ‘me’ time, sun breaks, sit breaks, breathe breaks. Sounds good, we’ll see how it goes…
    Susan recently posted…Life in ProgressMy Profile

  6. Jean says:

    Naomi, my sweet friend, YOU are one busy gal!!!

    I have learned over the last few years that if you don’t voluntarily take the time to integrate, to slow down, to allow your body, mind and spirit time to meet in the middle for a breather and a ‘time out’ every once in a while, the Universe will give you a GOOD swift kick and give you the compulsory opportunity (without any ifs, ands or buts) to take some time.

    So… I have learned to pad my schedule with segments of time and to listen to my body and my spirit and give myself permission to say “No,” “I will need to reschedule/rearrange…” without guilt or shame attached. You can be so much more to yourself and others, to your projects, your creativity, your objectives and goals, when you take care of YOU first (before you are given the compulsory opportunity to do things differently). *wink*

    I find balance by doing what feels good to do at the time and knowing (deeply) that everything is accomplished as and when it should be through Divine timing. I trust my body to tell me when to rest, when to eat and when to create. Naps are my friend and good nutrition is my energy-rich fuel to keep the fires burning.

    May you find the balance you need in your every hour, lovely Naomi! Much love to you! ♥

    • I am reminded of a sign I read on a closed office door that read “Myocardial Infarction is nature’s way of telling you to SLOW down” I immediately wondered what happened to the occupant of that office, but I think I know. Your advice is the sort that can prevent disasters of that sort.

    • Naomi says:

      It is so true that we have to consciously make the time. I’m rearranging this week because my daughter is home with a virus and so far, nothing has fallen apart by being postponed. 🙂

  7. Linda Watson says:

    So true, so true. Online classes are ice cream; so many flavors to choose from and I want to them all! Thanks for the little drawing. I pinned it to my “Creative Process” board.
    Linda Watson recently posted…The Land of SlippageMy Profile

  8. You sure are busy! I agree, that it would be healthful to do less for a while, especially if you feel over-subscribed. I notice myself wasting time online, and this past week I’ve tried not turning on the computer after I go home from work, or before I leave in the morning. I still can check my personal websites and read email with my tablet, but I cannot check web logs, and I am less likely to waste an hour shopping that way. It has bought me a bit more time to think, and a better personal balance.

    • Naomi says:

      Busy is not good though! It’s self-imposed busy-ness too. Good for you for knowing your limits and helping yourself find balance. I’m on that same path!

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