12 reasons my husband is right for me: an anniversary post

wedding invite12 years ago today, we became husband and wife.  I remember looking forward to being able to stand outside a men’s restroom and say, “I’m just waiting for my husband.” And then not giggle like a schoolgirl.

I asked Mr. B if he’d be up to writing lists this year of 12 reasons we love each other, and being the awesome and agreeable mate that he is, he said yes.  (Being the overworked and stressed mate though, he may not have gotten to his list yet, and I’m ok with that.)wedding

(serenading me on our wedding day)

Here are 12 reasons I know I made the right choice 12 years ago.  Every day between then and now, he’s told me or shown me he cares by doing these things and so many more.

1.  He walks on the street side of the sidewalk.  He often shields me from danger or protects me from things I wouldn’t like.  That means I am in his thoughts often.

2.  He notices the little things.  Whether it’s that I moved a picture from one place to another or that I made an extra effort with my makeup, he has an eye for detail and appreciates any extra effort on my part.

3.  He gives me the last piece.  He wants to provide for me and to make me happy if he can.  He gives me the last bite of chocolate cake or dibs on our favorite chair in the living room.  It’s comical that we both are like this, so we end up saying, “You have it.” “No, you please.” “No, really, you.”

4.  He believes in me.  He thinks I am a good writer, photographer, and mother.  He supports my parenting views and he asks about my creative classes and friends.  He trusts me to pay the bills on time, drive safely, and spend wisely.  He listens to my ideas.

5.  He’s patient.  Thank goodness for that! I am impulsive by nature, so without some tempering, who knows what foolishness we would get into.  He researches (ad nauseum) cars, strollers, appliances… come to think of it, it took him what felt like a very long time to decide on me!

6.  He’s grounded.  I am in my head lots of the time and I need someone with two feet on the ground.  My balloon needs to be tethered to his string to be balanced.   However, while he’s predictable most of the time, he throws in some surprises to keep me on my toes, like the time our electricity went out while I was putting our daughter to bed and he knew exactly who to call and took care of it on his own.

7.  He’s thoughtful.  He will often text me “11:18” when it is that time because that’s our wedding date, Nov. 18.  Even though he could care less, he knows I don’t like when he leaves his coffee mug in the living room so he tries to remember to put it in the sink.  He does lots of small gestures like that that show me I’m on his mind.

8.  He thinks I’m worth it.  While he will rarely buy something for himself, he has no problem getting me or our daughter something.  He is always wanting to splurge on me or on us.

9.  He encourages me to rest.  He laughs when I tell him my to-do list for a day.  I can’t tell you how many times he’s told me to set up a spa day for myself.  I always turn him down, but I appreciate that he wants me to be pampered.  I usually go to bed right after my daughter does, eager to read my book and chill.  That means we don’t hang out much during the week, but he is happy for me to have time for my books and for sleep.

10.  He’s a super fun daddy.  He sees the joy and blessing in our daughter and in our family life.

11.  He sees us as a team.  We may be different, but we compliment each other perfectly.  We give and take as we should.

12.  He’s ok with being apart.  He is a night owl who likes to watch tv.  I’m a morning person who hasn’t watched tv in years and NEED alone time.  We have different parenting approaches, though we learn from each other all the time.  He travels often for work, but it’s nice to come back together again when he gets home from his trips.

our feet

So yes, I am blessed and I fully know it.  As we continue our adventures and walk together wherever the years may take us, I know I have the most supportive arm to lean on.

He’s not one to share our anniversary on Facebook even, so I hope he’s ok with this post!  Happy anniversary, love.

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17 Responses to 12 reasons my husband is right for me: an anniversary post

  1. Pingback: 2013 accomplishments |

  2. Janice says:

    you are blessed with a loving attentive husband, and he is blessed that you know it! doing the little things, and being thankful for the little things everyday are important, and, I think, make for a happy life together.
    may you continue to cherish each other and bask in the glory of each other for many years to come.
    Janice recently posted…Donia, a beautiful name for a beautiful babyMy Profile

  3. Patti says:

    Congratulations! It sounds like you are a wonderful team. The wedding photo is so touching (close to getting teary).

  4. What song was he singing at your wedding? What a precious image that is!

    • Naomi says:

      He just started singing something he made up right then. “Oh, my love, you’re my wife. Oh, I love you. Oh, I love you. Oh, you’ll be with me.” Silly but hilarious. He got a loud applause from the wedding party, who were there. P.S. Saw your tweet – no need to be jealous, but you made me stop and appreciate the ordinariness even more.

  5. Lovely, lovely post. Sounds like you both chose well…Happy anniversary!
    janet forrest recently posted…Day 18 AEDM – Laying Down A Background – Cake PortfolioMy Profile

  6. christina says:

    you are both so good for and to each other. it’s been a joy to watch you two become the yin and yang. cheers to many, many happy years to come. love to you both!

  7. Becky says:

    Happy Anniversary to you & B! I loved getting a little glimpse of your wedding pictures! Next time I am over I will have to see more 🙂

  8. Lori says:

    Happy dozen!! And many many more!! Love your list showing your appreciation for your mate and yourself!! You two are quite the team!! xoxo

  9. What a beautiful story of love and devotion
    …..I love the way you’ve created balance and independence
    in a close relationship.
    Well done, you, and congratulations and much grace
    for a long and lovely love story:)
    Jennifer Richardson recently posted…An unlikely gift….My Profile

  10. Marcie says:

    He is a fantastic guy! Happy Anniversary,you two! 🙂

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