Alaska photos: Ketchikan

SO MANY PHOTOS! Let’s just start at the beginning, shall we? This is early morning in Ketchikan, Alaska, as our ship pulled into port.

Ketchikan2“By non-Alaskan standards, Ketchikan was village-sized.  If the streets were empty, it would take three or four minutes to walk the city center end to end.  In summer, it suffered thousands more strangers than it could reasonably bear: logging crews, cruise passengers, seasonal cannery workers, commercial fisherman, boat tourists like me.  The little town was bursting with us.” Jonathan Raban, Passage to JuneauKetchikan1Ketchikan catamaran2Ketchikan5 Ketchikan6 Ketchikan7In case you missed it, you can see what equipment I took with me here. You can view more Alaska photos in the gallery here.  Many more still to come.

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9 Responses to Alaska photos: Ketchikan

  1. Kathy Slamp says:

    GREAT Ketchikan shots.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Your Alaskan photo’s are so beautiful Naomi…I loved it there also…a trip of a life glad you and your family got to go also…
    Cheryl recently posted…Redeeming MyselfMy Profile

  3. You caught some terrific light with these images; I’m particularly enamored with the first one in the series. Well done!
    Kerry Mark Leibowitz recently posted…Local Contrast EnhancementMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks, Kerry! Please come back on Friday to see more. I’m very excited about that post and have been working on it for days. 🙂

  4. Eydie says:

    What masterpieces. Absolute beauty. I love them all, especially the one with the ripples. They seem to blend right into the sky. I’m sure it was an amazing adventure for you.

    Looking forward to connecting soon.
    Miss you

  5. Patti says:

    Oh my gosh! The town and your photos are so beautiful.

  6. Becky says:


  7. rebecca says:

    So beautiful and peaceful. I feel tranquil just looking at your beautiful photos.

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