A woman has three hearts…

Christie Tomlinson art journaling… one that she shares with the world, one that she shares with her family, and one that she shares only with herself.  It’s an old Chinese proverb.  I’m taking Christy Tomlinson‘s She Had Three Hearts workshop all about how we share those hearts differently with different people.  Sometimes we hold them in and not share them.  Each of the three weeks of the workshop covers one part of the proverb through art journaling.

I’ve never done art journaling and now that I’ve begun, I’m wondering why not.  It’s surprisingly freeing and creative and just plain fun.  Christy shares a ton of techniques in the class.  In week 1, there are 28 technique videos! Holy moly.  What are the best journals to use? What is gesso and why use it? How to add basic color to your pages quickly with paints, ephemera, pastels, gelatos, paint sticks, pencils, image transfer, etc.  Good stuff!

And I have to say, I had fun shopping for new supplies too.  Hee hee.


* * * * *

world family selfWe all have different sides of ourselves that we show different people.  Why do I share the best parts of me either here on the blog or with certain people but not with the most important people in my life??? My daughter gets most of my patience, which means there isn’t much left for my husband or even myself! Sometimes I give so much all day to friends and to writing and to my daughter (being silly, learning new things, sharing wisdom and frustrations) and then all that’s left at the end of the day is exhaustion or anger.

world heart page

This first week is all about the heart we share with the world.  I give the world my kindness, my generosity, my creativity… but I do not always give those things to myself or to my family.  What about you???

Sometimes the way I am portraying myself…

world heart characteristics

… differs from the way I am seen.  I don’t think of myself as sweet or particularly cheerful, but others do!

world heart ways seen

world heart page detail

What parts of you does the world get to see? Is that authentic?

Did you see my guest post on Kind Over Matter? It’s all about how we talk to ourselves.  Let me know what you think!

You can see more “Behind the Art” posts here.

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8 Responses to A woman has three hearts…

  1. Pingback: The heart we share with ourselves |

  2. Pingback: The heart we share with our family |

  3. Andria says:

    Welcome to the wonderful world of art journaling…you are obviously a natural! I love the idea of being “wholehearted”…so authentic and true to who we really are.
    Andria recently posted…Tangled EggsMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      I truly love it. It’s so easy to express myself this way. And yes, I was just thinking about how I can be more transparent and authentic with my family. I often hide aspects of myself, even from myself. 🙂

  4. Tracey says:

    I have never heard that proverb and think it is a really interesting concept. I am jealous of your workshop! I can sense my 3 hearts are probably quite different and I’m fairly sure they probably shouldn’t be!
    Tracey recently posted…Being HomesickMy Profile

  5. Love your journal page. And now that you’ve had a taste, I predict you’ll be a life-long visual journaler. 😉

    What an inspired course topic, and such an interesting thing to think about. And perhaps that’s what our journey here is all about – lessening the differences so we are operating from one expansive heart only.
    Deborah Weber recently posted…Spring Equinox 2013My Profile

    • Naomi says:

      I completely agree… now I am thinking of how I can merge all three and be more authentic and transparent. Hmm.

  6. I love your journal page
    and how your pouring your heart out there.
    I long to become wholehearted…sharing just one
    heart everywhere (with of course wisdom and choice).
    I think authenticity is the most beautiful thing
    and crave it these days in myself and others.
    thanks for your wonderful share,
    Jennifer Richardson recently posted…tenderlings and clover…My Profile

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