On finding time for myself

I’m torn… between wanting to spend time with my family and needing time by myself.  I am torn between playing pretend school (or tea party or grocery store) for hours and admitting that it’s just not my thing.  I am torn between my roles as mother and wife and self.

Self-care is a tough thing for me, and I have noticed that I’m not very good at it.  And since I’m the type of person who likes to be at least average at most things, I am trying to treat myself gently.  Taking a nap would be ok.  Putting the computer down and answering the e-mails tomorrow would be ok.  Enjoying my daily life is completely ok.

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14 Responses to On finding time for myself

  1. I know exactly what you are saying for many years I put everything ahead of what I needed. I needed to develop my joys and interests to become a better me. I think not doing that denies you being the best you can be for your husband and daughter.

    • Naomi says:

      That is so true, Sarah. I am looking at it that way more and more… it’s not selfish, it’s self-care and thus, being able to better care for those around me. Thanks for writing!

  2. Eydie says:

    Hello, my dear friend,

    I read your blog on Monday andI told myself I’d be back to let you know I was here.
    I was thinking about your words last night, and it brought tears to my eyes because I deeply understand, and struggle with the concept of self care. It seems like it should be an easy thing to do. We take care of so many others, why is it so challenging to put ourselves on the top of the list?

    So, when we get together and share our lists, let’s definitely remind each other to put “self care” as a priority.
    Love to you,

  3. Colleen Ray says:

    I so understand what you are saying. My “balance” always seems to be transitory (visualize a teeter-totter) and yet I yearn for it always. I’m thinking back to your post a couple of weeks ago with the “closed for restoration” sign and how that symbolized to me the need for self time. If I ever figure it out Naomi I’ll let you know! In the mean time, that ice cream cone sounds really good…

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks, Colleen. Yes, you’re right about soul restoration! Why do I forget these things??? I hope you find rest and peace.

  4. RnR says:

    Well, I sent you an email this morning about going for ice cream today and can only guess you will now be reading and replying tomorrow!!!

  5. Radish says:

    You are good to no one if you do not take care of yourself.

  6. it’s so hard, isn’t it. i think forgive yourself plenty when it doesn’t turn out
    looking like you think it should. those shoulds can be crazy-making.
    i think it helps to think of it as another art….the whole finding ways to be
    together that also gives me life and lift.
    that is art in itself.
    helps to think that i’m growing my creativity
    at the same time.
    grace to you and your beautiful wings,

    • Naomi says:

      I’m just learning this lesson, letting go of the past and especially those “shoulds.” Being gentle with myself is high on my priority list, if only I could remember to do it more often. Thanks for your encouragement!

  7. Yes, take time for yourself lovely photo ties in with your words…

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