I’d like to thank the Academy…

While I am excited to receive this blogging award from my friend Brian, I must say that I’m even more excited that he received it from one of his readers.  Way to go, Brian! I highly recommend that you check out his blog, “I’ve Never Heard of You Either… an uncommon look at everyday things.” It’s full of sharp wit and excellent music suggestions.    I’ve mentioned him here before, but that was prior to him jumping out on a limb and beginning his awesome blog.

I definitely put my heart into that gratitude post from 6 months ago, but it’s worth repeating because you dear readers have grown in numbers since then.  THANK YOU for being part of this community and for reading and sharing here.  I am perpetually amazed that you 1) care about what I write and 2) want to see my photos.  I used to individually reach out to each new subscriber, and I wish I could do that now, but you read the blog and you know that I love you and that I’m not exactly sitting around twiddling my thumbs these days.

I did a quick Google search and it seems to be that the Liebster Blog award originated in Germany, “Liebster” meaning favorite or dearest, to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Upon accepting the award, the recipient must then pass it on to five more blogs.

The requirements are:

1. Show gratitude to the blogger who nominated you and link back to them.

2. Post the award on your blog.

3. Nominate five other bloggers you would like to pass the award to, also with fewer than 200 followers.

4. Tell your readers ten random facts about you.

I love getting the opportunity to share some of my favorite blogs with you.  I just counted my Google Reader subscriptions and it came to 194, up by 66 since I last counted in December.  Holy moly! No wonder I am always 800+ posts behind.  (By the way, I use Flipboard on my iPhone to read posts on the go… check it out!) Maybe I’ll design a page here of my favorite blogs, if anyone’s interested.

A problem with these awards is that I end up finding MORE wonderful blogs to follow.  Oh well.  Check these out and then let’s all look forward to hearing which blogs they recommend.

In my Googling of this award, not one recipient I saw had a list of 10 random things about themselves, so I thought I’d compromise and make it 5 instead.

1.  I clearly remember the day in 4th grade that I first walked into school in glasses.  I was embarrassed but I could see! (I also was astounded to realize that carpet is made up of individual fibers, there were boats out at sea and that trees had leaves rather than being a big blob of green.)

2. I am proud of the fact that I took BC calculus my senior year of high school, but now I don’t know what the heck the purpose of that was or even what a derivative is.

3. I had a professor in college who was elegantly worldly in her demeanor and dress.  I started wearing several rings on my hands to be like her.  I couldn’t carry that off in the slightest.

4. I didn’t really come into my own until college.  I’m sure that’s a common thing, but at the time, I felt like the odd one growing up.

5. I took twirling lessons when I was 8 or 9 and even went to a competition.  I remember my dad taking me to class one time and we were getting fitted for our costumes.  The teacher said something about putting the sequins in a V on my (then non-existent) chest and I was so embarrassed my dad heard that.

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11 Responses to I’d like to thank the Academy…

  1. eof737 says:


  2. Lori Moon says:

    Naomi, omg, thank you, thank you! I am just sorry that I didn’t see this post and the message you left on my blog sooner (vacation has made me fall out of my routine). I so appreciate the shout out!

  3. Eydie says:

    Just want to make sure you saw my BD wishes on FB. I could not find it after I sent it.

    I hope your birthday celebration was all you hoped it to be.
    Hugs, Eydie

  4. Eydie says:

    What a wonderful surprise! Thanks so much for thinking of me. I am truly honored to be one of your 5 choices. Your blog has been such a beautiful inspiration for me. I am so grateful you are a part of my life.
    I plan to share this award early next week. I’m having minor surgery on Friday and will be away from the computer for a few days.
    Have a beautiful birthday celebration. I will be sending lots of Love and Joy.

  5. thank you so much naomi! you just made my day! 🙂 i have really enjoyed getting to know you and i appreciate all your beautiful photo inspiration and words of wisdom. love, kelly

  6. kelly says:

    wow naomi! thank you so much for thinking of me. i have enjoyed getting to “know” you and really appreciate your wonderful photo inspiration and words of wisdom. thank you for making my day! 🙂 love, kelly

  7. Anne Camille says:

    You deserve the recognition, Naomi. You’re blog is wonderful. I find something interesting, beautiful, or insightful in every post. Although I am years beyond having small children, I even enjoy reading about your child-rearing adventures and how you constantly endeavor to be a better parent. Yea, you!

    Thanks too for the shout out for my blog. I can’t hold a candle to you!

  8. seekraz says:

    Congrats, Naomi. 🙂

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