You are enough

One of the many pieces of wisdom that Oprah imparted on her very last show was about being worthy simply because we were born.  She said, “We often block our own blessings because we don’t feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough.  You are worthy because you are born and because you are here.  You alone are enough.”
I’ve been pondering this and something else she said about finding your calling (which you know I’ll be sharing with you soon) because today is my birthday.  Since I am constantly striving for improvement, whether it be a new class, a better perspective, or a slimmer waistline, it was refreshing to hear that I am enough just as I am. 
The past few days have been a whirlwind of activity.  Packing our home of 8 years was time-consuming, eventually culminating in a 12-hour moving day.  To top it off, my daughter caught a virus and that slowed the progress significantly.  After two days of furious unpacking and dismantling of boxes, I’m desperate happy to soak up some quiet and inactivity.  I wonder at my need to get settled so quickly, to have everything in it’s place before I can feel at peace.  I wonder if it’s related to that quotation somehow or if it’s just who I am.
36 years of development, loving, striving, stumbling, recovering, and learning.  Keep it coming!
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8 Responses to You are enough

  1. Erin says:

    I too was inspired when Oprah said that. In fact I wrote down many things from her final show. Happy Happy Birthday to you!!

    • Me too! I have another blog post scheduled in 3 days with more of her words of wisdom. 🙂 I was watching it while packing but had to stop several times to appreciate it all. Sigh.

  2. Donna says:

    Happy Birthday, Naomi! You’re not only enough; you are a huge inspiration to your friends. Take some time to celebrate the move, your birthday, and yourself!

  3. Stephanie says:

    Slow down and live alongside the boxes. Happy Birthday

  4. Kelly McKenzie says:

    Happy, happy birthday Naomi!

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