On the phases of life

It seems like a big shift is coming.  Sweet Girl is finally at an age where I feel most similar to who I was and where I was in life before I got pregnant.  That’s about 9 years! I guess I’m slow to adapt or something.  Ha!

I have certainly gained experience, perspective, wisdom, and lots of new friendships in the past 9 years.  I have grown in communication skills (“Honey, I need your help!”), empathy (crying/sick/otherwise hurt feelings), and emotional strength.  I’ve met all kinds of people and learned not to judge.  Mr. B would say I’m still learning how to assume the best of people.

If someone had asked me 9 years ago where I’d be now, I doubt I’d have said I’d be right here where I am.  I’m a stay-at-home-mom! I’m a professional volunteer! I’m an artist! I’m wildly in love with my sweet girl and my partner in life.  I would never ever trade this for anything.

As SG needs me less intensely, I can see that some mental space is opening up.  I’d like to gain some inner strength to finally let go of some ideas that have always been baggage to me… that I need the approval of others to deem myself worthy, that someone is upset with me or thinking negatively of me, that it is impossible to make some people happy and it’s ok to stop trying.  I want to break away from situations and assumptions like these and reach for something higher.

I’ve been reading Mike Dooley’s newest book, Life on Earth: Understanding Who We Are, How We Got Here, and What May Lie Ahead, and I feel excitement at the potential in each and every moment.  After reading chapter 1, I literally felt I could do anything at all… begin a new career, meet anyone I want to, travel to important world events.  The only thing hindering me is my own small thinking.

Now that the fall flurry of activity is finished and wrapped up, I have time to slow down and give myself some mental space.  I have already decided that when SG goes back to school in January, I am going back into the art room to start creating again.  It’s been a year since I’ve done anything in there, and that feels very wrong.  So I’ve been getting used to the idea of creating again and I have to share that I’m pretty excited!

I’m not sure what the next phase of life will bring, but I’m going to pay attention, be creative and patient, and try to enjoy each and every gift in my life. So here’s to changes and fresh beginnings! Happy New Year everyone!

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2 Responses to On the phases of life

  1. Susanna says:

    Have fun creating a whole new phase of art! Happy New Year too. I also feel that I am in a new phase, having moved away from the city. There certainly are some adjustments, but I like it and I see all kinds of possibilities. I’d like to plant a garden.

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