July 1 OLW blog hop: mid-year check-in


Hello friends! More than any other year (for me), this one is flying by at turbo speed.  It’s crazy! This month, Ali Edwards’ One Little Word class assignment was to check-in with ourselves and our progress.  What’s working and what’s not working? Remember that I selected stillness as my word for this year.

I’m doing better, mostly because of an online course I just completed, which guided me in slowing down every single day and tuning in to the majesty around me in nature and the love within me and in every one around me.  It was a beautiful thing.  It IS a beautiful thing.

be still necklace

Lisa Leonard designs

What has surprised me most so far this year? My ability to relax, to forgive, and to love.  Not that I doubt myself, but I’ve stretched more than I thought I would to allow myself those capabilities.  When I try, I can lower into the now and experience it fully.  I have found it a perfect way to experience joy every single day.

What am I most proud of related to my word? Letting go of judgements.  Self-acceptance.  Whew… those are biggies!

Bird and ATC

Three things I’ve enjoyed about my word: 1) It allows me permission to leave things undone – another biggie; 2) It shifts my focus from minutia to a bigger perspective; and 3) It helps me take better care of myself.  (The sweet bird and nest photo above is from my friend Deborah.  Isn’t it sweet? Noticing and savoring moments like this are what it’s all about.)

Three challenges I’ve faced related to my word: 1) It’s still difficult for me to allow myself to rest, sleep, sit still, wander; 2) I haven’t been very good at simplifying anything; and 3) So many lessons relate to my daughter but I fight seeing them and using them as learning opportunities.

Blank canvas_New Orleans arts district

Three things I’d like to accomplish by the end of the year: 1) Implementing some form of physical care and renewal – maybe yoga; 2) Creating some reminder art to help me remember my word in every day life; and 3) Identifying some tasks that I can delegate or give up to make room for breathing space?

* * * * *

I hope to get to all of these blogs in the next few days to see what everyone is up to.  If you’re playing along, head over to visit Lisa next.  You can see other posts about my OLW project here.

Lee: http://thelinarstudio.typepad.com/embracelife/ (our amazing organizer!)

Michelle: http://www.table-for-five.com

Margareta: http://www.paperpilekitten.com/

Cheri: cheriandrews.blogspot.com

Missus Wookie: mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com

Amy: http://lemonandraspberry.com

Melanie: http://mellybirddesigns.wordpress.com

Naomi: http://www.poeticaperture.com/ <— You are here.

Lisa: http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/ <— Go here next.

Veronica: www.veronicanorris.typepad.com


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9 Responses to July 1 OLW blog hop: mid-year check-in

  1. Lisa says:

    I just love reading your posts each month. I also read your most recent post, and am clapping for you from afar. Enjoy your time away.
    Lisa recently posted…CurrentlyMy Profile

  2. Cheri says:

    These are beautiful thoughts. Making time to hear your own thoughts and get to know yourself can be difficult, especially in the parenting years. Mine are young adults (still in college) and I still feel that pull away from me all the time. But giving yourself time is a gift to everyone. Enjoy the journey!
    Cheri recently posted…One Little Word Blog Hop – June versionMy Profile

  3. michelle says:

    I love that necklace. So pretty.
    michelle recently posted…One Little Word | JuneMy Profile

  4. So glad you are doing so well with your word!

  5. MargaretAnn says:

    Hi Naomi! Thanks for sharing your mid-year reflections. I love how your OLW has given you permission to leave things undone. I’ve been thinking a lot about joining OLW lately in connection to something that I really need to focus on for the remainder of this year – letting go. Your thoughts on “stillness” in relation to that sentiment are quite inspirational. I look forward to reading more about your journey in the coming months! 🙂

  6. Those challenges are tricky aren’t they? Parenting is such hard work, I hope you find a way to sit, rest etc. I had to put it on my ‘to do’ list to make it happen…
    Missus Wookie recently posted…OLW July blog hopMy Profile

  7. Deborah says:

    That sweet little warbler looks right at home!
    Deborah recently posted…New growth in surprising placesMy Profile

  8. Looks like you’ve done a lot of progress. Yay! And I love your necklace! 🙂

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