Celebrating the journey ahead: 2013 goals

Well, I’m not perfect yet.  Shocking, I know! And so some goal-ish thoughts are in order.  I’m not that big a fan of goal-setting because, well, I’m an over-achiever at heart.  Some dreaming and true soul-searching can never be bad, so I have some general plans of how I’ll fill the year, but I don’t want to pressure myself at all and I want to stay focused on TODAY rather than the future.  I, of course, want to work toward being a better person, etc. and I also have my life list to keep working on.

I just created this lovely little piece in my Life Book class.  The clouds contain a few of the blessings in my life and the flowers contain my main goals for this year.  It will be an enjoyable journey with lots and lots of love.  I had such a delightful time creating this page (even though I can’t draw arms and hands to save my life).

goals and journeys resized

Before I state my goals, I want to mention that I’m not wholly tied to them.  I want to 1) forgive myself in advance if I don’t accomplish them completely and 2) measure success by whether or not I’m moving in the right direction.  Also, I want to look for ways to make these part of my everyday life: reminders posted on the walls at home, notes in my calendar to check in, schedule time for specific tasks, etc.  If you have any fantastic ideas, I’m all ears.

Here are my goals for 2013 (personal, general, blogging):

  • Count my blessings every day! When I begin to feel negative, switch the focus to what is good.
  • Continue striving for compassionate action (a mitzvah a day).  Focusing on the needs of others helps our own heart expand.
  • What would make me even happier? Time to create just about every day.  Reminders of nature (fresh flowers?).
  • DO BIG THINGS (well, big for me)! Reach out to someone I am intimidated by, submit artwork for publication, take risks… because you just never know.
  • Be responsible for my own happiness.  As a sensitive person, I am often swayed by the moods or actions of those around me.  I am going to try very hard to create my own weather.
  • Minimize whenever possible.  (Do I need to receive all these e-mail newsletters and blog updates? Do I need to get 15 magazines each month? What household clutter can I eliminate by donating something?) I tend to complicate things more than necessary.
  • Try try try not to compare myself to others or my art to others’ art.  Enjoy my own creative process for itself.
  • Take two overnight trips with my husband sans kiddo. (Thank you in advance mom and dad!)
  • Edit and upload the rest of my art photography to the fine art site (I have about 1000 to go.  Oy.)
  • Backup all photography files from three external hard drives onto a wireless drive.
  • Participate in One Little Word (my word is “stillness”) and post an update here each month.  Also, be more “in the moment” with my daughter.  My OLW will help me remember to stop my own busy-ness when I can and focus on watching and appreciating her.  (Like right now… I am trying to get her to leave me alone while I type this list, rather than watching her practice writing her letters by filling in the squares on a crossword puzzle.  I will come back to this later…)
  • Participate in My Crazy Life, Life Book 2013, and A Year With Rilke (separate post to come about this) and share creations here (and I am going to try VERY HARD not to take very many other classes since these will keep me busy).
  • Update this site with category links, new pages, plugins, etc.
  • Most important: I want to connect with you!  If you care enough to subscribe to these posts and even leave a comment, then I want to know more about you.  A main goal is to CONNECT with you this year (follow your blogs, interact more, etc).  When it comes down to it, these connections we form are the substance of life.  I value them very highly and aim to treasure them.

Tell me, what would you be interested in seeing or reading more of here? We are a growing group and I want to make sure you each feel you’re gaining some inspiration when you stop by.  Please share what you like or what you want more of in the comments! I treasure hearing from you.

I leave you with this bit of awesomeness from Sherry at Cherry Blossom Soup (full post here): “My wish for you… in 2013 is that we let ourselves be called by everything from quiet whispers to bold ruby sunsets to unimaginable dreams to whimsical purple striped leggings to cliff edges and soft landings to sparkly things on the ground to almost imperceptible shadows from the third story window.”

2013You can see more “Behind the Art” posts here and more Life Book posts here.


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13 Responses to Celebrating the journey ahead: 2013 goals

  1. Pingback: 2014 intention: let everything happen |

  2. Pingback: Progress report Q3: 2013 goals (making progress and having fun) |

  3. Pingback: Progress report Q2: 2013 goals |

  4. Pingback: OLW blog hop: being right here, right now |

  5. Pingback: Life Book recap: Celebration & Journey |

  6. Pingback: Dream board 2013: all about art |

  7. Pingback: Kindness catch up: care packs, scarves, soap, and our mailman |

  8. Hi- my name is Amanda & I found you through the Sprout magazine! I live in Houston too, love photography & have a bit of an e-course addiction. I also recently launched yoga+photography website that encourages readers to see themselves as beautiful called http://growsoulbeautiful.com

    Have a great week!
    Amanda @ Click. The Good News recently posted…Review: FlourishMy Profile

    • Naomi says:

      Amanda, I went to both of your sites and they are each beautiful in their own ways. I’m inspired by your zest for nature and traveling and also by your message that beauty lies within. I’m so happy to have connected with you!

  9. I love the idea of creating your own weather:)
    and your intentions…..they’re beautiful.
    may it be all that with lots of happy surprise
    on the side,
    Jennifer Richardson recently posted…January rising…My Profile

  10. Cathy H. says:

    You’ve created a well thought out and well balanced list of intentions! I don’t do resolutions either. I do set some goals and things I want to work on; important things I want to focus on during the year! Love your artwork!
    Cathy H. recently posted…It’ Sometimes Just The Little Things!My Profile

  11. kelly says:

    so loving your delightful art naomi. and love the goals that you’ve set for yourself. a perfect balance of active seeking and mindfulness. looking forward to seeing what you create in 2013! 🙂
    kelly recently posted…If You Give a Mom a MacroMy Profile

  12. Sherri B. says:

    What a lovely set of intentions for the year…and it’s nice that you’re not pressuring yourself to achieve all of them perfectly. Thank you for sharing! Your art piece is wonderful and so whimsical! I love it. 🙂
    Sherri B. recently posted…Photo Art Friday – TextureMy Profile

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